English Literature
Class A & B
Topic Proposal for your Mid-Term Writing Project
Please answer the following questions:
Q 1: Which author or literary work in the Norton Anthology of English Literature will you choose to study for this Mid-Term Project? (3-4pages paper) Explain why you are interested in this writer or literary work.
Q2: What is the theme that you find most intriguing?
Elaborate why you are interested in this motif.
Q3: Can you identify some special symbols or structures that make the story appealing?
Q4: Find three journal essays or book articles that you are most interested in? List the three essays by using MLA format. Make some brief comments or annotation about each essay.
For example:
* Sample descriptive annotation in MLA format for a book:
Cobb, Charles. Practical Communication for Technical and Vocational Arts. Santa Monica , CA : Goodyear, 1987.
This text-workbook with tear-out pages has 13 chapters covering such topics as “The Basics of Communication,” “Work Orders and Estimates,” and “Other Necessary Forms and Records.” All chapters end in a “learning quiz” that reviews the text and projects that require students to write a response, complete a form, or prepare graphics materials. Six appendices cover grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary. Many examples of forms for memos, work orders, job records, insurance claims, maintenance requests, etc., are also included.
* Sample descriptive/evaluative annotation in MLA format for an article:
Elliott, Dorrinda. “The Legacy of the Last Czar.” Newsweek 21 Sept. 1992 : 60-61.
Elliott offers an overview of recent forensic analysis of the Romanov grave site, as well as a brief description of the events surrounding the executions. The article quotes forensic experts and historians and includes the views of Russian citizens on the significance of finding and identifying the remains of the Romanov family. This article is important to my project because the quotes from Russian citizens do not appear in any other text I’ve read and, for this reason, have helped me to better understand the stakes of this issue for the Russian people.
Q5: What is your tentative title?
Q6: Do you have any questions while preparing for this assignment?
Please see the attached files as samples for complete this assignment.
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